I want to start off with the best news. While over at the bf's sister's house this weekend I decided it was a good time to finally weight myself and boy was I glad I did. I haven't weighed myself since I changed my eating habits and it is finally paying off. I have LOST 12 pounds. My goal was to lose 20 pounds by April 11th so that gives me only 18 days to lose 8 pounds, so I am really going to have to kick it up. Now some of you might be thinking well are you going to continue your blog after your goal date. The answer is, of course, because I will be setting a new goal after the weekend of the bf's sister's wedding. I have another wedding on June 1st that I am in and this one is really important because it is my brother's wedding and I want to look my best. So I will have 46 days starting on April 15th to lose 7 pounds. All together when I reach my goal on May 30th I will have lost 29 pounds. So I am continuing this journey, it's hard, it's long but man it will be worth it when all those pictures are taken at the wedding and time to try on bathing suits for the lovely summer.
Now to the weekend.
This weekend I actually got to stay in town but that doesn't mean I didn't have things to do. The bf's family came into town for the entire weekend because his sister had a bridal shower on Saturday. So on Friday we grilled out and sat by the fire chatting away, just sharing all of our many different stories.
I was a little excited about this grilled chicken
it was mouth watering heaven.
You can clearly tell we had a blast and defiantly entertained each other
Then bright and early Saturday morning I went with his sister and mother to the venue to have the last meeting before the rehearsal. Afterwards we ran back to her house changed clothes and then it was off to the shower.
Once we arrived at the shower we took a look around at all the beautiful decorations,

and then it was time for some punch and yummy appetizers that were spread throughout the house.
After our bellies were full of yummy delights we all gathered in the den for the best part, the opening of the presents.
After all the ewwws and awwws for an hour all the beautiful gifts had been opened, all the thank yous had been given out, only one thing was left, picture time.
The Bride & I
The Maid of Honor & I
The Bridal Party minus a few
The mother's of the bride and groom
All in all it was an absolutely beautiful shower. There were many laughs, tears (from laughing) and many memories made.
After the shower we definitely needed an afternoon nap and I need to head home and have a little me time, which normally means a relaxing bath. That night we grilled again (apparently we love to grill) and then it was time for some much needed sleep.
Day 55:
Breakfast: handful of mixed nuts
Lunch: shower food (veggies with pimento cheese, chicken salad (no bread) shrimp salad)
Dinner: I skipped dinner because I had way to much at lunch
Day 56:
Breakfast: skipped
Lunch: broccoli soup
Dinner: bbq and baked beans
Late night snack: 2 tablespoons of peanut butter
Day 57:
Breakfast: non fat yogurt
Snack: 2 tablespoons of peanut butter
Lunch: broccoli soup
Snack: pistacios
Dinner: Chicken in a garlic sauce with broccoli and cabbage, no rice