Today was such a special day for me. I headed out of town to go to my nephews birthday party and was so excited to be with all of my family (except for my sister who lives way down South, believe me she was there in spirit). Now this nephew is very special to me because he is my first nephew. Tomorrow he will turn two and I have to say this little youngster brings me back to my childhood like no one else. My older brother and I are 14 months apart and every time I look at Carter I see my brother. Although I have to say many things that he did today reminded me so much of his mother who is basically one of the coolest :) people I know.
Now back to the parrtay.
The theme was John Deere ( I mean we are in the South, duh) and the cake was basically perfect. (Made by my sister-in-laws aunt, I swear she should start a business. Her cakes are amazing.
After we all got there, we gave out our hugs and hellos and as we were doing so his Grandma walked in with the pizza. At this time the birthday boy was only interested in eating his pizza. This is how I know we are related. I tell ya we love our pizza. (Although I stuck to my 21 day challenge so no pizza for me)
But I have to say one of the funniest things that the birthday boy did all day is what he calls my dad.
PaPAAAA. It is like he is doing a magic show. Now when he talks to my mom he calls her Mimi and just looks like the sweetest little boy ever.
It is just so wonderful seeing my parents with their (right now) only grandkid because they just love him so much.
After we filled our bellies it was of course family picture time,
(minus my hubby, Abbie & her soon to be hubby Josh) (We will get to that on a another post...SO EXCITED)
The main family picture, they are just perfect.
Best picture of the day!!!
Afterwards it was present time. This is always my favorite time at a birthday party.
Especially a little one's birthday!!
The hubby and I got him a John Deere tractor of course.
My aunt- in- law works for John Deere so she helped us find the perfect one. Thanks again Aunt "Frosty"
He clearly wanted to ride it.
"What, you want to play with your toys instead of take pictures with you Aunt?"
Now the end of the party was probably my favorite part. Because my little buddy said...
Good Bye Aunt Mel. Hearing him say Aunt Mel just melts my heart.
Happy Birthday little man.