Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Healthy Living & Setting Goals

I haven't had much time to blog over the past few days because I ended up going back to my hometown to be with my best friend because her grandfather passed away. He sure will be missed.
 So as you can probably guess I haven't had much time to cook nor was I able to keep track of everything I ate. Now I did stick to most of my normal "new" eating habits so don't think I just went crazy. But I will be making sure to start back today keeping up with my food journal because I only have 24 more days till my ultimate goal.

Now it is also finally Spring/Summer time which means, longer days, fresh recipes and lots of flowers. So I hope you all will continue this journey with me.
Today I am going share an article that I found about healthy living and setting goals. Because changing my lifestyle to healthy has changed every aspect of my life. One of the most important things I have learned these past couple of months is,

 ♥ "Be known for the beauty that comes from within.." -I Peter 3:4 ♥

Living Healthy: Make Your Health Goals “SMART”

 SMART stands for specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-based.


What you want to achieve and how you’ll do it
Not specific: To exercise
Specific: To get in shape by walking
Ask yourself: What do I want to accomplish? How will I do it?


How you’ll know when you’ve reached your goal
Not measurable: To walk often
Measurable: To walk for 30 minutes, 5 times a week
Ask yourself: How much? How often?


That your goal is possible
Not attainable: To walk 5 miles in 30 minutes
Attainable: To walk 1 ½ miles in 30 minutes
Ask yourself: Can I do this?


That your goal is appropriate for you
Not realistic: To walk for 2 hours every day
Realistic: To walk for 30 minutes every day
Ask yourself: Am I willing to work towards this goal? Do I have the skills and resources I need?


When you plan to reach a goal
Not time-based: To walk 5 times a week until I feel fit
Time-based: To walk for 30 minutes, 5 times a week for a month
Ask yourself: When will I achieve this?

Other Examples

  • A good goal: To eat healthier
    A SMART goal: I will eat at least two servings of fruit every day for the next month.
  • A good goal: To get more sleep
    A SMART goal: I will go to bed by 10:30 pm every weeknight for the next two weeks.
  • A good goal: To drink more water
    A SMART goal: I will have water with lunch, instead of my usual soda, every day this week.
  • A good goal: To work out
    A SMART goal: I will go to the gym at least three times a week for the next month. Each time, I will do at least 30 minutes on the elliptical or treadmill.

Goal-Setting Tips:

  • Pair Up! Encourage a friend to set healthy goals, too. Check in with each other to help stay motivated.
  • Write it down. Write your goal down and post it someplace you look often, like your bathroom mirror or refrigerator door.
  • Reward yourself. Treat yourself for a job well done. A little reward for progress can go a long way toward helping you achieve your goals.

5 Reasons to Set SMART Goals

  1. They help you focus
  2. They help you stay motivated
  3. They help you manage your time
  4. They help you track your progress
  5. You are more likely to achieve them
So I going to set one new goal today and that is to get more exercise. Now I joined Gold's Gym but it doesn't open until May 24th. So my goal until then it to at least get 30 minutes of some sort of activity at least 5 days a week. I will be tracking myself and the activity to keep myself accountable.

Also make sure you check out tomorrow for my Skinny Mini Spicy Cauliflower Poppers.

Day 96:
Breakfast: 2 eggs
Snack: 2 tablespoons of peanut butter
Lunch: spaghetti squash with ground chicken with low sugar marina
Dinner: the salad for champions (minus the cheese), skinny mini spicy cauliflower poppers, and 2 pieces of small skinny turtles.

37 days no diet mountain dew

24 till ultimate goal

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